Kyubii Moon

今日は! Im Kyubii Moon
Shinobi & Vtuber Hokage!
Find my socials below!

Kyubii Moon

今日は! Im Kyubii Moon
Shinobi & Vtuber Hokage!
Learn about me below!

Im Kyubii Moon, foxy ninja and local gremlin! You can find me on Twitch, Tiktok, or Twitter.My fluffy fox friend Kai has lived within me since birth! We battle as a team and share chakra & firepower!Shoutout to the amazing artists that made my dreams come true!
Mama: Lengqiong & Valeri_mirley
Papa: Rafaelmgd
BGM: Harrymus1c & Juan_campos
Alerts: Kawai_kanjo

Kyubii Moon

今日は! Im Kyubii Moon
Shinobi & Vtuber Hokage!
Find my store info below!

I run a shop alongside streaming! I sell all types of cozy/anime themed things from wax melts to winter attire! I appreciate all the support!

Kyubii Moon

今日は! Im Kyubii Moon
Shinobi & Vtuber Hokage!
Find how you can support me below!

Thank you sooo much for supporting me!
I create content and run my online store full time
so any help or feedback is greatly appreciated!
Donations goes towards future projects
(and snackos for me & Kai!)